2020-09-03 服務項目 - 燈箱佈貼膜氣泡問題處理—廣告燈箱字牌 - 燈箱廣告 - 廣告燈箱字牌 - 122.195.181.*
因LED要存放在幹燥通風的環境中,儲存溫度爲-40℃- +100℃,相對濕度在85%以下。這對燈箱的外包裝有較髙的要求,燈箱如果放在較冷的環境就要考慮這個因素,雨水較多的城市也要註意 ...(24/1)
2020-09-03 文章 - Diesel Fuel Injection Pump Test Bench - 標準件 - cntestbench - 207.46.227.* - 訪問網站
12PSB-TXD Diesel Fuel Injection Pump Test Bench, which is a high performance test equipment controlled by industrial computer, can test BOSCH, DENSO, DELPHI, SIMENS etc.brands mechanical ...(17/1)
2020-09-03 文章 - Superplasticizer Monomer LPEG Slump Retention F-2089 - 催化劑及化學助劑 - dongkepce - 207.46.227.* - 訪問網站
This product is soluble in water and various organic solvents and it is an important raw material for a new generation of polycarboxylic acid water reducer. The high-performance polycarboxylic acid wa ...(49/1)
2020-09-03 文章 - Paraffin Wax Price? - 石蠟 - dkwax - 207.46.227.* - 訪問網站
As the largest refining and chemical company of PetroChina, Fushun Petrochemical has always been the largest domestic paraffin wax production and export base. Various technical and economic indicators ...(32/1)
2020-09-03 文章 - Mc11.national Engines - 國際網路 - sinotrukhowo - 207.46.227.* - 訪問網站
Mc11.32-40 national engines
Engine model :Mc11.32-40 / in-line six
Cylinder number of valves: 4
Cylinder diameter X stroke (mm) 120X155
Displacement (L) 10.518
Mc11.32-40 national engines Param ...(70/1)
2020-09-03 文章 - Difference Between Round Head Screws And Pan Head Screws - 標準件 - starwdh - 207.46.227.* - 訪問網站
Pan-head screws and round-head screws are often difficult to distinguish because of their similar appearances. In fact, different screw head types have different uses. Below we introduce the differenc ...(13/1)
2020-09-03 服務項目 - 冬天怎樣掃雪—生活垃圾清運 - 下水管道 - 生活垃圾清運 - 122.195.181.*
雪災是因降雪導緻大範圍積雪、暴風雪、雪崩,嚴重影響人畜生存與健康,(建築垃圾清運)或對交通、電力、通信係統等造成損害的自然災害。作爲我國主要自然災害之一,雪災年年發生,嚴重威脅人民的生命財産和正常生活豒序。根據雪災的形成條件、分佈範圍和錶現形式,雪災類型普遍被分爲雪崩、風吹雪( 風雪流) 和牧區雪災。
其中,雪崩是雪山地區易發的災害,風吹雪則會阻斷公路交通的正常通行。牧區雪災是由於積雪過厚, ...(28/1)
2020-09-03 文章 - EV Charger Male High Voltage Connector DC Plug - 端子、連接器 - Alice Dai - 207.46.227.*
Temperature: -55℃∽ +125℃
Rated Current: 120A
Insulation Resistance: 500MΩ
Dielectric Withstand Voltage: 3000VDC
Mechanical Life: 500 times
Salt Spray: 48 hours
Ingress Protection: ...(13/1)
2020-09-03 文章 - Hot Sale China Kunlun Paraffin Wax Msds - 石油及製品 - Alice Dai - 207.46.227.* - 訪問網站
When it refers to paraffin wax, we can not talk about China Kunlun paraffin wax. As we know ,kunlun paraffin wax comes from PetroChina and Sinopec, two giant Chinese state-owned companies . Kunlun bra ...(36/1)
2020-09-03 產品庫 - 琉璃瓦保存註意事項—水泥瓦生産廠傢 - 其他 - 水泥瓦生産廠傢 - 122.195.181.* - 訪問網站
琉璃瓦是中國傳統的建築材料,用優質粘土塑製du成型後燒成,(瓦片批發廠傢)錶麵上釉,釉的顔色有黃、綠、黑、藍、紫等色,富麗堂皇,經镹耐用。琉璃瓦多用於民族色彩的宮殿式大屋頂建築中。華東地區也叫樹脂瓦、通過造型設計,已製成的有花窗、欄杆等琉璃製品,廣氾用於庭院裝飾、平改坡、鋼結構工程中。中國早在南北朝時期就在建築上使用琉璃瓦件作爲裝飾物,到元代時皇宮建築大規模使用琉璃瓦,明代十三陵與九龍壁都是琉璃瓦 ...(8/1)