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2020-08-31 文章 - Concrete Water Reducer - 催化劑及化學助劑 - dkwax - 114.42.192.* - 訪問網站
Water reducer is a specifically designed polycarboxylate superplasticizer which owns excellent dispersion performance while maintaining good retention effects due to our cutting-edge processing techni ...(29/1)
2020-08-25 文章 - Do Superplasticizer Admixtures Affect The Strength Of Concrete? - 催化劑及化學助劑 - dongkepce - 1.168.210.* - 訪問網站
Because of the different types of concrete additives, the effects are also different. The general function is to improve the fluidity of the corresponding concrete when the water consumption per cubic ...(56/1)
2020-08-24 文章 - Concrete Plasticiser - 催化劑及化學助劑 - dongkepce - 1.168.216.* - 訪問網站
Generally, the higher the water content of concrete, the better its fluidity and workability. But when the concrete has enough moisture, the strength of the concrete after solidification is inversely ...(24/1)
2020-08-20 文章 - The Principle Of Water Reducing Admixtures - 催化劑及化學助劑 - dongkepce - 1.168.216.* - 訪問網站
The principle is mainly to use water reducer to modify the surface of concrete. Commonly used water reducing agents are anionic surface active substances. When the cement is mixed with water and set a ...(29/1)
2020-08-19 文章 - Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer - 催化劑及化學助劑 - dongkepce - 1.168.216.* - 訪問網站
For the synthesis of polycarboxylic acid water-reducing agent, the design of molecular structure is very important, including the main chain group, side chain density and side chain length in the mole ...(37/1)
2020-08-18 文章 - Superplasticizer In Concrete - 催化劑及化學助劑 - dongkepce - 1.168.216.* - 訪問網站
Water reducing agent refers to an admixture that can keep the workability of concrete unchanged, while significantly reducing its mixing water consumption. Since the water reducing agent is added to t ...(35/1)
2020-08-17 文章 - Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer Strengths - 催化劑及化學助劑 - Alice Dai - 103.116.47.*
In many concrete projects, traditional high-efficiency concrete such as naphthalene is less and less able to meet engineering needs due to the ls of technical performance. A new generation of water re ...(22/1)
2020-08-15 文章 - Concrete Additives - 催化劑及化學助劑 - dongkepce - 103.116.47.*
Admixtures can improve the anti-carbonization performance of concrete. There is a certain linear relationship between the carbonation depth and porosity of concrete; admixtures have a great influence ...(84/1)
2020-08-14 文章 - How To Use Superplasticizer In Concrete? - 催化劑及化學助劑 - Alice Dai - 103.116.47.*
Hello everyone, welcome! Our news today is for a clearer understanding of that, how to use superplasticizer in concrete?
The application of concrete superplasticizer is becoming more and more exten ...(32/1)
2020-08-13 文章 - Admixture - 催化劑及化學助劑 - dongkepce - 103.116.47.* - 訪問網站
Currently, most oil and gas wells are drilled with synthetic-based mud. Two types of waste are generally produced during drilling: waste mud and rock cuttings. There are many ways to dispose of waste, ...(9/1)