1. Ghana 加納
Next time you munch a bar of Dairy Milk, think of Tetteh Quarshie. Who? The man who planted the first cacao seeds in Ghana, germinating the agricultural industry that made Ghana the primary cocoa exporter for most of the 20th century. You can visit Ghana's first cocoa plant at Quarshie's farm, and learn about chocolate production at the Tafo Cocoa Research Institute near Koforidua.
下次再吃Dairy Milk巧克力時,想想Tetteh-Quarshie。這是誰?是他第一個在加納種植可可樹,並形成産業,讓加納成爲20世紀大部分時間裏主要的可可出口國。妳可以在Quarshie的農場參觀加納第一個可可種植場,在Koforidua附近的Tafo可可研究院學習巧克力産品的知識。
2. Southern Belize 伯利茲南部
In the beginning there was the pod, and the pod was good... Way before Columbus got lost on his way to the East Indies, the Maya and Aztecs of Central America were tucking into xocolatl and kukuh – bitter, spiced drinks concocted from cacao beans. Today, the cacao growers of Belize's southern Toledo district have received a new lease of life thanks to Green & Black's chocolate, whose Maya Gold bars are based on the ancient kukuh recipe. Arrange to visit a plantation to see the plants, taste fresh-picked beans and experience chocolate as 'pod' intended – through the Toledo Cacao Growers Association.
至早有一個豆莢,豆莢很好。在哥倫佈去找東印度路上迷路之前,中美洲的瑪雅人和阿茲克特人大口喝着xocolatl和kukuh —— 從可可豆裏提煉出來的又苦又辣的飲料。今天,GREEN&BLACK的瑪雅金巧克力是以古老的kukuh秘方爲基礎的,多虧瞭GREEN&BLACK巧克力,伯利茲南部Toledo地區的可可種植者重獲嶄新的生活。在Toledo可可種植聯盟,妳可以這樣安排行程,去農場看可可樹,品嘗剛摘的可可豆,體驗巧克力作爲“豆莢”的本意。