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Restaurant & Cuisine 餐飲、美食

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  • chayixi.cn


       [待更新] 【白巷子奶茶網】:爲您提供白巷子奶茶品牌是真的嗎,總部在哪裏,怎麽樣結盟等全方位信息!白巷子奶茶無論是顔色還是口感都非常獨特,作爲新中式宮廷風奶茶,一經推出就大受歡迎。

    www.chayi*i.cn - UTF-8 - 2020-10-19

  • rgznd.net


       [待更新] 唐鎮陽光城——陽光商業中心(髙科東路777弄)——唐鎮地標廣場——“唐鎮陽光天地”總髙23層髙端商辦寫字樓。•辦公樓總建築麵積:約44031平方米•樓層總數:地上23層+地下3層•辦公樓層:3-27層,共21層

    www.rgz*d.net - UTF-8 - 2020-10-17

  • legaltranslationinuae.com

    Translation Services in Dubai


    legaltranslationin*ae.com/ - UTF-8 - 2020-10-15

  • cy2033.cn


       [待更新] 麥吉machimachi是有一線明星週傑倫自傢創立的奶茶品牌,目前是臺灣非常火爆的網紅飲品,Machi麥吉奶茶強調原創精神、以創新、天然與美味兼具爲特色、共分成5大係列,需要瞭解machi奶茶歡迎通過網諮詢瞭解

    cy2033.*n - UTF-8 - 2020-10-15

  • cmlyhg.cn


       [待更新] 茶理宜世【網】是國内認證獨一結盟網,一款火爆全國的茶飲品,一經問世,便受到無數消費者的熱烈追捧,好評如潮,茶理宜世結盟店在全國有多達100多傢,每個結盟店生意蒸蒸日上,諮詢瞭解更多結盟詳情,請及時留言獲取資料。...

    www.cmlyh*.cn - UTF-8 - 2020-10-14

  • naichajia.cn


       [待更新] 幸福堂,來一場至美的焰遇,喝一杯至幸福的茶。幸福堂採用古法熬製黑糖,純手工黑糖奶茶,每一杯幸福堂都是幸福與甜蜜的傳遞,開創新式茶飲,獨具話題性,幸福堂期待與您的焰遇。

    www.naicha*ia.cn - UTF-8 - 2020-10-13

  • xinshicha.cn


       [待更新] 伏見桃山是由汴京茶寮更名而來的,由此我們可以知道伏見桃山結盟是一個有着很多年的發展曆史,伏見桃山總部隨着不斷的發展,現在的伏見桃山奶茶已經是有瞭許多的忠實消費者,因爲現在的年輕消費者對伏見桃山奶茶也是非常的熱愛。伏見桃山奶茶這裏的飲品全部都是新鮮現做的,而且製作的過程透...

    www.xi*shicha.cn - UTF-8 - 2020-10-11

  • wahacha.cn


       [待更新] 娃哈哈奶茶是一個緻力於打造國潮營養飲的品牌, 其多年優質的品牌形象深入人心, 以AD鈣奶作爲靈感元素, 打造出潮人所喜愛的網紅奶茶, 以一味獨特的國潮奶茶而成功虜獲瞭茶客們的青睐!

    www.wahach*.cn - UTF-8 - 2020-10-11

  • yifencha.cn


       [待更新] 一芳水果茶網,提供一芳水果茶結盟項目詳情, 包括一芳水果茶結盟費, 結盟條件, 結盟電話, 結盟流程等信息等,讓您更加深入的瞭解一芳臺灣水果茶.

    www.*ifencha.cn - UTF-8 - 2020-10-09

  • zjjdyxyhotel.com



    www.zjjdy*yhotel.com - UTF-8 - 2020-10-09

  • hugosrestaurant.net


       [待更新] Authentic Mexican cuisine at the Award winning Hugo's Restaraunt of Houston, TX offers

    www.hugos*estaurant.net - ISO-8859-1 - 2015-08-19

  • michiganrestaurant.org

    Michigan Restaurant Association


    www.michiganrestauran*.org - UTF-8 - 2015-08-19

  • millenniumrestaurant.com

    Millennium Restaurant

       [待更新] Millennium Restaurant - Award-winning vegan cuisine. A gourmet dining experience created from vegan, healthy, and environmentally friendly foods.

    www.millennium*estaurant.com - UTF-8 - 2015-08-19

  • ohiorestaurant.org

    Welcome to the Ohio Restaurant Association

       [待更新] The Ohio Restaurant Association (ORA) is the leading not-for-profit business trade association for the Ohio foodservice industry. Since 1920, the ORA has provided its members with advocacy, information services and education as well as many cost-saving benefits.

    www.ohioresta*rant.org - UTF-8 - 2015-08-19

  • quay.com.au

    Quay Restaurant

       [待更新] Quay Restaurant is Australia's most awarded restaurant, and one of two Australian restaurants on the prestigious S. Pellegrino World's Top 50 List. Owned and operated by the Fink Group, the restaurant offers outstanding modern cuisine by award winning chef Peter Gilmore, and is situated in the stunning dress circle of Sydney Harbour.

    www.quay*.com.au - UTF-8 - 2014-12-15

  • restaurant-relae.dk

    Restaurant Relæ


    www.restaur*nt-relae.dk - UTF-8 - 2014-12-15

  • restaurantaugust.com

    New Orleans

       [待更新] Chef John Besh August Restaurant located in New Orleans.

    www.restaurantaugu*t.com - UTF-8 - 2014-12-15

  • restaurants.co.za


       [待更新] Search our friendly database of restaurants in South Africa and find restaurant news and special offers.

    www.restaur*nts.co.za - UTF-8 - 2014-12-15

  • restaurants.com


       [待更新] Search for the best local restaurants and places to eat. Restaurants.com is the original restaurant guide offering thousands of restaurant listings in your local area. Find the best restaurants in your area.

    www.restaurants*.com - UTF-8 - 2015-08-19

  • theworlds50best.com

    The World's 50 Best Restaurants


    www.t*eworlds50best.com - UTF-8 - 2014-12-15

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