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Textile 紡織

 Monsieur Mask  Tony Chen  Waqas Ali  王老闆  Aayushman Surek... 

  • eko.my

    Supplier in Malaysia

      ::0EKO is a non-woven bag(eco bag) manufacturer in Malaysia. We produce non-woven bag(eco bag) with ultrasonic stitch technology.Cheapest Non-woven Bag(eco bag) Manufacturer in Malaysia

    [無紡布] - www.eko.my - UTF-8 - 2025-01-18

  • formedfiber.com



    [無紡布] - www.formedf*ber.com - UTF-8 - 2025-01-17

  • emaskiara.com

    Emas Kiara

       [待審] Emas Kiara

    [無紡布] - www.emas*iara.com - UTF-8 - 2025-01-17

  • eglhomecare.co.uk

    EGL Homecare Ltd

      ::0EGL Homecare Ltd, founded in***has grown steadily to become one of the European market leaders in the categories of Scourers, Cleaning Cloths and Sponges...

    [無紡布] - www.eglhomecare.co.uk - UTF-8 - 2025-01-17

  • floorworld.com.au

    Laminate Hybrid Flooring

      ::0Discover Carpets, Vinyl, Timber, Laminate & Hybrid flooring at Floorworld. Providing Quality & Style Near you for Over 30 Years Across Australia.

    [地毯] - www.floorworld.com.au/ - UTF-8 - 2025-01-17

  • flyingpacking.com



    [無紡布] - www.flyin*packing.com - UTF-8 - 2025-01-16

  • locrugs.com

    Antique and Modern Luxury Rugs

      ::0Lavender Rug Collections has a Diverse Collection of Antique Rugs, Vintage Rugs, Modern & Contemporary Rugs, Oriental Area Rugs for Sale. Lavender Oriental Carpets Also Offer Carpet/Rug Cleaning, Rug Repair & Conservation, Rug Rental, Appraisals & Valuations Services in NYC, New York USA.

    [床上用品] - www.locrugs.com/ - UTF-8 - 2025-01-15

  • geotextilemembranes.co.uk


      ::0Providing a vast range of non-woven/woven Geotextile Membranes - separation, filtration & stabilisation in weed prevention, riding arenas, roads and more!

    [無紡布] - www.geotextilemembranes.co.uk - UTF-8 - 2025-01-15

  • ginnifilaments.com

    Ginni Filaments


    [無紡布] - www.g*nnifilaments.com - UTF-8 - 2025-01-14

  • halmatex.com

    Slitting Services

      ::0Halmatex Ltd is family business located in Macclesfield, Cheshire, specialising in slitting services and the rewinding of a wide range of materials

    [無紡布] - www.halmatex.com - UTF-8 - 2025-01-14

  • hometex114.com


       [待更新] 傢紡網作爲傢紡行業的知名全媒體網站,彙聚所有傢紡品牌,是傢紡品牌推廣,傢紡結盟,傢紡招商代理首選平臺,傢紡網堅持以創業幫扶, 經營指導爲理唸,第一時間推送傢紡資訊及至新傢紡結盟創業項目,關註傢紡關註傢紡網!...

    [紡織品加工] - www.ho*etex114.com - GB2312 - 2020-01-08

  • 959.cn


       [待更新] 959品牌商機網是幫衆多創業者解決創業投資的結盟網站, 彙集多行業創業項目、連鎖項目, 涵蓋特色餐飲, 服裝鞋包, 美容養生, 飾品玩具, 傢居建材, 節能環保, 教育網絡等海量創業信息, 選擇好品牌, 結盟好項目, 代理好産品, 成功當老闆, 創業, 開店, 投資, 找商機就上959!...

    [毛巾] - www.95*.cn - UTF-8 - 2023-07-15

  • ctei.cn


      ::1中國紡織經濟信息網, 紡織, 紡織工業協會, 服裝頻道, 傢紡世界, 棉花在線, 印染助劑, 紡織科技, 紡織標準, 檢測認證, 産業集群, 電子商務, 市場行情, 海關提單, 經濟運行, 紡織500強, 紡織人才, 中紡社區, 數據中心, 紡織貿易, 産業預警, 流行時尚...

    [紡織品代理] - www.ctei.cn - UTF-8 - 2024-01-27

  • dapu.com


       [待更新] DAPU.COM - Contact us for any business inquiries

    [其他] - www.*apu.com/ - UTF-8 - 2023-09-27

  • nbond.cn


       [待更新] 諾邦無紡股份創立於2002年,由杭州老闆實業集團投資設立,目前擁有技術領先水平的十條水刺無紡生産線。諾邦以領先的技術和差異化髙端品質在業界樹立瞭良好的口碑,已成爲全球水刺無紡行業中技術至爲領先的國際型企業之一。...

    [無紡佈] - www.n*ond.cn - UTF-8 - 2021-10-20

  • carpet-rug.org

    The Carpet and Rug Institute


    [地毯] - www.carpet-rug.org - UTF-8 - 2025-01-01

  • ctcte.com



    [紡織項目闔作] - www.ctcte.com - UTF-8 - 2024-04-07

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