Textile Machinery Parts 紡織設備和器材
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- UTF-8 - 2019-01-17绗縫機...
[待更新] 绗縫機-南通貝斯特绗縫繡花設備製造有限公司www.ntbe*t.com
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[待更新] 常州千機機械製造有限公司專業從事摺景機, 壓折機以及壓皺機的生産和銷售, 工廠批發直販, 無中間商差價, 提供售後服務支持, 歡迎來電諮詢:***www.cz*ianji.com/
- UTF-8 - 2018-11-16Welcome To Colors Enterprise Insurance Blog
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[待更新] 東莞市中堂康帕特貼闔機製造廠是一傢集設計研發、生産銷售、貼闔機、複闔機、pur熱熔膠貼闔機、全自動貼闔機,現代管理於一體的綜闔型集群公司。公司總部座落在東莞市中堂鎮,生産的貼闔機主要有以下貼點: 所用熱熔膠不含溶劑成份,是理想的綠色環保膠;熱熔膠不含水,無需烘幹,貼闔速...www.dgc*mpound.com/
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[待更新] 臺山市舒力床具機械有限公司專業生産銷售環保、節省成本的海綿機械, 床墊機械, 泡綿機械, 海綿發泡機, 床墊圍邊機, 海綿切割機, 海綿發泡設備以及床墊半成品等機械設備www.mattressmac*inery.com.cn
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[待更新] 電腦绗縫機廠傢東莞市恆業機械有限公司自1994年來專業生産绗縫機, 電腦绗縫機, 多針绗縫機, 間花機, 無梭绗縫機, 有梭绗縫機等床墊機械設備,質量第一,價格優惠,歡迎廣大新老客戶來電來涵!绗縫機、間花機、床墊機械産品諮詢電話:***...www.hengyemac*ine.com
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[待更新] 1800CPAP provides CPAP masks, APAP machines and supplies for sleep apnea and snoring treatment. Huge savings on ResMed and Philips Resprionics. In home sleep testing available.www.1800*pap.com
- UTF-8 - 2018-09-15Direct Home Medical
[待更新] Founded in***Direct Home Medical provides a premium range of sleep, oxygen and asthma therapy products to customers across the United States. We're here to help so give us a try. We like to make a big impression with swift service, low prices, quality merchandise, and brilliant customer care!www.*irecthomemedical.com
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Consumer Guide to CPAP Masks...
[待更新] Your Best Insider Guide In Helping You Choose The Right CPAP Masks & BIPAP Mask. - Video Reviews, Usefull Tips, Practical Advice & Good Recommendations. Let us help you overcome your CPAP problems.www.cpaphe*pdesk.com
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[待更新] FYI is the best supplier for textile testing machines, tensile testing machine, melt spinning, yarn dyeing machine . Our specialist technology and five-star service and make you save the time and the cost . Whether you're a beginner or a professional.*yitester.com
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[待更新] Amith Garments services are the well-known manufacturers and service providers of garments and textile Industry. We also provide lab layouts and design description to full lab orders.www.amithgarm*ntservices.com/
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[待更新] Manufacturer of shot & sand blasting machines and woodworking machines.www.e*stsongcn.com
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- GB2312 - 2018-09-08好東西 我都賣...
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