2020-08-18 產品庫 - 寫真中的墨水使用—昆山寫真製作 - 展位、攤位 - 昆山寫真製作 - 49.89.132.* - 訪問網站
寫真一般是指戶内使用的,它輸出的畫麵一般就隻有幾個平米大小。如在展覽會上廠傢使用的廣告小畫麵。(昆山背景牆製作)輸出機型如:HP5000,一般是 1.5米的至大幅寬。寫真機使用的介質一般是PP紙、燈片,墨水使用水性墨水。在輸出圖像完畢還要複膜、裱闆才算成品,輸出分辨率可以達到300— 1200DPI(機型不同會有不同的),它的色彩比較飽和、清晰。
寫真中的墨水使用——昆山寫真製作公司來爲大傢娓娓 ...(42/1)
2020-08-18 服務項目 - 激光切割與數控沖操作規範及要求—上海钣金加工 - 設計、加工 - 上海钣金加工 - 49.89.132.* - 訪問網站
切割前嚴格核對切割材料的 ...(18/2)
2020-08-18 服務項目 - 濾筒除塵器的應用註意點—打磨臺除塵 - 廚具 - 打磨臺除塵 - 49.89.132.* - 訪問網站
濾筒式除塵器的阻力隨濾料錶麵粉塵層厚度的增加而增大。阻力達到某一規定值時進行清灰。(激光除塵器)此時PLC程序控製脈沖閥的啓閉,首先一分室提昇閥關閉,將過濾氣流截斷,然後電磁脈沖閥開啓,壓縮空氣以及短的時間在上箱體内迅速膨脹,湧入濾筒,使濾筒膨脹變形産生振動,並在逆向氣流沖刷的作用下,附着在濾袋外錶麵上的粉塵被剝離落入灰鬥中。清灰完畢後,電磁脈沖閥關閉,提昇閥打開,該室又恢複過濾狀態。清灰各室依次 ...(21/1)
2020-08-18 產品庫 - TX1178 High Pressure Common Rail Pump And Injector Test Bench - 其他 - cntestbench - 1.168.216.* - 訪問網站
Our independently developed TX1178 Common Rail Injector Test bench with high quality is used to test electronic high pressure common rail pumps, common rail pipes and common rail inje ...(88/1)
2020-08-18 產品庫 - Why Use A Washer? - 標準件 - starwdh - 1.168.216.*
1. Characteristics and application of high-strength fasteners
1) High-strength fasteners refer to fasteners with higher performance levels, including high-strength bolts, high-strength nuts, high-str ...(15/1)
2020-08-18 產品庫 - Brake Light Switch - 汽車配件 - sinotrukhowo - 1.168.216.* - 訪問網站
Brake light switch
Brake light switch is a small device attached to the brake pedal mechanism. Despite its small size, the brake light switch plays an important role in a modern car.
Brake light swi ...(35/2)
2020-08-18 服務項目 - 真空法蘭類型—現場法蘭加工 - 其他 - 現場法蘭加工 - 49.89.132.* - 訪問網站
《超髙真空法蘭(GB/T 6071-2003)》與GB/T 6071.1~6071.3—1985相比主要變化如下:(現場法蘭修複)將D1的負公差調整爲正公差;對部分法蘭的基本尺寸進行瞭調整,將外徑D36改爲D34、D56改爲D54、:D62改爲D60、D71改爲D70、D89改爲D86。增加瞭DN(25)、DN250規格;刄口處向内傾斜5°,刄口總深度由原1.5 mm調整爲1.2 mm;法蘭的烘烤 ...(11/1)
2020-08-18 文章 - Why Soy Wax Is Better? - 石蠟 - dkwax - 1.168.216.* - 訪問網站
Scented candles can bring you a warm, romantic, comfortable fragrance and harmonious atmosphere. However, many widely used candles are made of paraffin wax extracted from petroleum, chemical distillat ...(42/1)
2020-08-18 文章 - Superplasticizer In Concrete - 催化劑及化學助劑 - dongkepce - 1.168.216.* - 訪問網站
Water reducing agent refers to an admixture that can keep the workability of concrete unchanged, while significantly reducing its mixing water consumption. Since the water reducing agent is added to t ...(35/1)
2020-08-18 文章 - Paper Doilies Increase Bakery Sales With Doilies - Jinan Guangmei Paper Products Co., Ltd - 輕工設備 - Cindy Feng - 23.133.64.*
It’s quiz
time. How much do you know about paper doilies? You probably use them,
but most likely you don’t think about them too much. You should,
because they can help increase your bakery sales.