3. Venezuela 委内瑞拉
Purists know that the rarest and finest of the three varieties of cocoa bean is the criollo – chocolate snobs lovingly describe its lingering aftertaste as featuring vanilla, caramel and nuts. Venezuela, and specifically the Paria Peninsula – known as the 'Chocolate Coast' – is the origin of the most sought-after criollos, chuao and porcelana. The best are grown on small family-run farms, such as Hacienda Bukare, which you can visit (and where, more importantly, you can get samples!).
純粹主義者知道三種可可豆中至稀有至好的就是Criollo, 這些巧克力愛好者深情的形容吃過它之後唇齒留香回味的感覺就像香草、焦糖和果仁一樣。委内瑞拉,尤其以“巧克力海岸”而聞名的Paria Peninsula,是至受歡迎Criollo的起源地。至好的可可豆都出自傢庭農場, 比如Hacienda Bukare,妳可以去那裏參觀。(至重要的是妳可以從那獲得一些可可豆樣本!)
4. Bournville, Birmingham, England 英國 伯明翰的Bournville
It's not quite Willie Wonka's Chocolate Factory (where are the Oompa-Loompas?), but Birmingham's Cadbury World feeds the need in us all to drool over big vats of brown liquid loveliness and watch naked bars whizz through wrapping machines, take the tour, taste the goods and go wild in the World's Biggest Cadbury Shop.